Development of a turnkey Neo bank

Ready modules and customization. Secure code. Full support.

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What are neobanks and how do they differ from classic banks?

Neobanks, also known as digital banks, are financial institutions that operate entirely online or through mobile apps, without any physical branches. They offer many of the same services as traditional banks, such as checking and savings accounts, debit cards, loans, and other financial products, but with an emphasis on a more convenient and streamlined user experience.

The main differences between neobanks and traditional banks are in their business models, customer experience, and technological innovations. Neobanks typically operate with less overhead than traditional banks because they lack physical branches and legacy systems. This allows them to offer their customers more competitive rates and better interest rates. They also offer a more personalized and intuitive digital experience with features such as mobile check deposit and real-time notifications.

Another key difference is how they use technology to enhance their services. Neobanks often rely on advanced data analytics and machine learning algorithms to personalise their offerings and improve risk management. They are also more responsive to customer needs and able to quickly develop and launch new products and features.

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Neo Bank Development. Why now is the time to order the development of your neobank?

Neobanks are now used all over the world, although they are most common in developed countries such as the U.S., U.K., Europe and Australia. These markets have seen significant growth in recent years, driven by factors such as changing consumer preferences, advances in technology and increased regulatory support for digital banking.

In terms of regional growth, Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing market for non-banks, driven by factors such as a large unbanked population, rapid digital adoption and favourable government policies. North America and Europe are also expected to see significant growth, driven by growing demand for digital banking services and the development of fintech startups.

According to a report by ResearchAndMarkets, the global unbanked market was valued at $34.76 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $333.4 billion by 2028, growing 30.1% between 2021 and 2028. This growth is driven by several factors, including the growing adoption of smartphones and other mobile devices, the growing demand for digital financial services, and the growing trend toward financial inclusion.

Overall, the unbanked market is expected to continue to grow rapidly in the coming years as more consumers turn to digital banking solutions and traditional banks continue to come under pressure to modernise their offerings. Our company has developed more than one solution that is already enabling Banks and private companies to make millions of dollars a year.

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Blockchain-based neobank software modules that we integrate:

Distributed ledger technology (DLT):

DLT is a key component of blockchain technology and is used in neobanks to provide a tamper-proof, decentralized record of transactions.

Smart contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that are programmed to automatically execute when certain conditions are met. Neobanks use smart contracts to automate and streamline processes such as loan approval or payment processing.

Cryptocurrencies and accounts

Some neobanks offer cryptocurrency accounts that allow customers to store, trade and spend cryptocurrencies.

Integration of KYC (Customer Knowledge Checker) module

KYC verification is a key feature of neobanks, and blockchain-based KYC verification can provide increased security and privacy.

AML (Anti-Money Laundering Compliance) Module Integration

Blockchain-based AML compliance tools can help neobanks detect and prevent money laundering and other financial crimes.

Decentralized Identification Module (DID)

DID is a blockchain-based technology that allows people to own and control their digital identity, providing increased security and privacy.

Payment Gateway Module

Non-banks can use blockchain-based payment gateways to provide fast, secure, and inexpensive cross-border payments.

Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication uses unique biological characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial or voice recognition, to verify a user's identity. We suggest that entrepreneurs who want to make their neobank use biometric authentication as an additional layer of security for their mobile applications.

Digital Signature Module

Digital signatures provide a secure and legally binding way for customers to sign documents, such as loan agreements or account opening forms, without the need for physical signatures.

Credit scoring and underwriting

Neobanks can use our company's off-the-shelf machine learning algorithms to analyze customer data and provide real-time credit scoring and underwriting, allowing them to approve and issue loans faster.

Personal Financial Management

Personal financial management modules can help clients track their spending, budget and save money. They can include features such as expense categorization, budget tracking, and overspending alerts.

Robo-advisor module

We suggest using robo-advisor technology to provide automated investment recommendations based on a client's goals and risk tolerance.

Social Media Integration

Nonbanks can integrate with social media platforms to provide social payments, peer-to-peer lending, and other social financial services

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Features and functions of neobanks software

Remote account opening

Neo Banks offers a fully digital account opening process that can be completed in minutes, without the need to visit a physical branch.

Mobile Banking

When developing software, teams always develop mobile banking apps for neobanks that allow customers to manage their accounts, view transactions, pay bills, transfer money, and more.

Savings accounts

Many neobanks offer high-interest savings accounts that offer higher rates than traditional banks.

Debit Cards

Like classic banks, neobanks offer debit cards that can be used to make purchases and withdraw cash from ATMs.

Personal Loan System

Thanks to the flexibility of the software being developed, neobanks offer personal loans that can be applied for and approved within minutes.

Budgeting and Financial Management Tools

During neobank's development, budgeting and financial management tools are laid down, allowing customers to track their expenses, set savings goals and manage their finances more effectively.

Online Customer Support

Unlike classic banks, neobanks can support customers through various channels such as chat, email or phone, and are known for their responsiveness and personalized approach.

Integration with third-party applications

Neobanks often integrates with third-party apps and services, such as budgeting apps or investment platforms, to provide a smoother and more integrated user experience.
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Technical features in Neobank development

Thanks to our many years of experience in developing financial products for top banks and neobanks, we carefully approach each stage of planning and implementation of modules to ensure that the client receives a quality product. Our features in development are:

Cloud infrastructure design and implementation

In development, we leverage our years of experience in building cloud infrastructure to store data and provide secure, scalable and cost-effective services.

Mobile application development

Since neobanks relies heavily on mobile applications, our teams develop applications for all mobile platforms at once, depending on the customer's wishes, so a key technical feature is the development of reliable, user-friendly and secure mobile applications.

API integration and development

To enable neobank to integrate with third-party APIs to provide additional services such as payment gateways, KYC verification and fraud detection, we develop a unified API.

AI-powered data analytics

We implement and develop data analytics and machine learning algorithms to gain insights into customer behaviour, identify trends, and personalize services. Therefore, our customers will always be able to understand their customer better at an early stage.

Designing and implementing security protocols

Very often neobanks require robust security protocols to protect customer data, including encryption, multi-factor authentication and real-time monitoring to prevent fraud. We use off-the-shelf components and AAA-level protocols in development, which speeds up the development cycle and ensures any level of data protection.

Compliance tools

Neobanks must comply with various regulatory requirements, so compliance tools are essential to ensure compliance and mitigate risk.

Open banking capabilities

In software development, we enable neobanks to have open banking modules and capabilities that enable customers to connect their accounts to other financial institutions and third-party applications as a bank customer.

Continuous development

Our flexible approach to development means our teams can quickly develop and deploy new features and updates to ensure smooth and seamless deployment of modifications and new functions.

Chatbot and Artificial Intelligence Integration and Development

We frequently deploy chatbots and Artificial Intelligence to provide customers with personalized and responsive 24/7 support.

Blockchain technology integration

Many customers need not only classic banking technology, but also the use of modern technology such as blockchain to provide secure and transparent transactions and reduce transaction costs.
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How we develop non-banking and software for Banks

When developing products, modules or neobank, we include several key steps:

Defining the use case

The first step in developing blockchain-based non-banking services is to identify the specific use case or problem the service will solve. This can include conducting market research, analyzing user needs, and identifying gaps in the existing financial services landscape.

Defining the blockchain platform

After defining the use case, the next step is to determine which blockchain platform to use. Factors such as scalability, security and community support will be important considerations.

Design the architecture

The next step is to design the architecture of the service, including the user interface, data structures, and smart contracts. This will require collaboration between designers, developers, and other stakeholders.

Software development

Once the architecture is developed, the software development process can begin. This typically involves writing code in a programming language such as Solidity, developing the user interface, and integrating with any third-party services or APIs.

Testing and Deployment

Once the software is developed, it needs to be thoroughly tested to make sure it works as intended and is free of bugs or vulnerabilities. The service can then be deployed on a test or core network, where it will be available to users.

Market and iteration

Finally, non-banking services on the blockchain will need to be marketed to potential users, and user feedback will be used to iterate and improve the service over time.
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Full support of your business

We carry out a full development cycle of a utility token with subsequent marketing and legal support.

Support and improvements

  • Improvement of the required functionality, UX / UI development
  • Support 24/7, according to SLA
  • Maintenance of servers and equipment
  • Information security assurance
  • Cold storage of tokens and cryptocurrencies

Legal assistance

  • Assistance in obtaining licenses
  • Assistance in opening accounts
  • Setting up bank cards and payment systems
  • Assistance in choosing a jurisdiction for the business
  • Organizing customer support service

Marketing and liquidity

  • Providing liquidity from top exchanges
  • Development and implementation of a user acquisition strategy
  • Drawing up a business plan to attract investment
  • Crypto business consulting
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Why Choose Us?

Deployment of a complete infrastructure for a project
Possibility to test the product before purchase
Minimal implementation time with the high level of quality
Guarantees that your product will meet the expectations of your organization's members
Easy and convenient scalability of the project in the future
Guarantees of a secure transaction and follow-up support
Free consultation
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