Developing and creating metaverse on blockchain

Quality development. Ready-made infrastructure. Quick launch.

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What are metaverse and why are they so popular?

The future of digital interaction lies in the Metaverse on blockchain, and we are experts in developing innovative solutions in this area. By combining blockchain technology with virtual reality, we create a seamless and secure environment where users can explore, create and socialize in an immersive virtual space. Our expertise lies in building complex Metaverse ecosystems that empower individuals and enterprises alike.

Through the use of tokens (NFTs) stored on blockchain, we enable digital ownership of unique virtual assets, from virtual real estate and artwork to avatars and beyond. This provides a new experience and way to monetize creators' creativity and foster a dynamic economy where virtual goods and services can be traded securely. With smart contracts on blockchain, we optimize transactions, empowering users to engage in virtual commerce, create businesses, and drive economic growth in the Metauniverse.

Our focus goes beyond commerce to foster social interaction and collaboration in the Metaverse. Using blockchain-based governance models, we enable inclusivity and democratic decision-making by allowing participants to collectively define the rules of interaction. Virtual spaces become centers for shared experiences, entertainment, education, and even governance, connecting people around the world and transcending physical limitations. As experts in developing Metaverse solutions on blockchain, we are committed to shaping the future of digital interaction and enabling people to unlock the enormous potential of this transformative technology.

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Technical modules

Blockchain Infrastructure

The backbone of Metaverse is the blockchain network. Popular blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain or Solana are often used to build the underlying infrastructure. These platforms provide the necessary tools and protocols to create and manage the smart contracts needed to execute transactions and enforce rules in a virtualized environment.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

NFTs play an important role in the Metaverse by enabling digital ownership of unique assets. These tokens, created based on blockchain standards such as ERC-721 or ERC-1155, represent individual virtual objects including virtual real estate, avatars, artwork, fashion items, and more. NFTs provide proven scarcity, authenticity and traceability, allowing users to safely buy, sell and trade virtual assets in Metaverse.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Immersive technologies such as VR and AR enhance the user experience in the Metaverse. VR headsets, controllers, and motion tracking devices allow users to interact with virtual environments in a more immersive and intuitive way. AR overlays digital content on top of the physical world, providing a mixed reality experience. These technologies bring the Meta Universe to life, creating a sense of presence and interactivity.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts whose terms are written directly into the code. In the context of Metaverse, smart contracts enable secure and automated transactions, guaranteeing the smooth operation of the virtual economy. They facilitate the exchange of virtual assets, regulate interactions in the world and manage the distribution of rewards or royalties for creators in Metaverse.

Decentralized Identity and Authentication

Ensuring the security and privacy of users in the Metaverse is vital. Decentralized identity systems, such as Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) solutions, allow users to control their identities and maintain their privacy. These systems provide secure authentication mechanisms, allowing users to interact with the virtual environment while maintaining their digital identity.

Interoperability protocols

Interoperability is critical for seamless integration of Metaverse's various platforms and virtual worlds. Interoperability protocols enable the transfer of assets and data across different blockchain networks, allowing users to move their virtual assets between different Metaverse environments effortlessly.

Metaverse Development Platform

The Metaverse development platform provides toolkits and frameworks specifically designed to build Metaverse. This platform contains features such as 3D modeling, scene creation, physics modeling and scripting capabilities. It simplifies the development process and provides developers with the tools they need to create and deploy virtual worlds in Metaverse.

Distributed file storage

Storing and accessing large amounts of data such as 3D models, textures, audio and video files is critical. Distributed file storage systems such as IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) or decentralized cloud storage provide a fault-tolerant and decentralized storage infrastructure, guaranteeing the availability and accessibility of media assets in Metaverse.

Consensus mechanisms

Consensus mechanisms ensure the validity and security of transactions and data on the blockchain network. Depending on the chosen blockchain platform, different consensus algorithms such as Proof of Stake (PoS), Proof of Work (PoW) or Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) can be used to achieve consensus among network participants, validate transactions and maintain the integrity of the Metaverse ecosystem.

Governance mechanisms

Establishing governance in Metaverse is essential for decision-making, rule-making, and community participation. Blockchain-based governance models allow participants to influence the development of Metaverse by shaping its rules and policies through decentralized voting and consensus mechanisms.

Virtual Asset Marketplace

A virtual asset marketplace provides platform users with the ability to buy, sell and trade their virtual assets in Metaverse. These marketplaces utilize blockchain technology to enable secure and transparent transactions, and provide discoverability and liquidity for virtual assets, contributing to a thriving economy in the Metaverse.

Metadata and ontology standards

The creation of standardized metadata formats and ontologies helps organize and classify virtual assets in the Metaverse. These standards ensure cross-platform compatibility and interoperability, as well as seamless asset sharing and integration between virtual worlds.

Cross-platform API integration

To create a truly connected Metaverse experience, integration with external platforms and services is required. APIs (application programming interfaces) and interoperability standards enable communication and data exchange between Metaverse and external systems such as social media platforms, streaming services or e-commerce platforms.

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Metaverse market in figures

With a projected market value of a trillion dollars, a booming virtual asset economy, and continued investment from major players, the Metaverse will become a cornerstone of the digital age. As the market evolves, it will drive innovation, redefine social interactions and open new economic frontiers, transforming how we live, work and communicate in the digital sphere.

Market Size

According to a report by Grand View Research, the Metaverse market size is expected to reach over $1 trillion by 2025. This rapid growth is fueled by the growing adoption of virtual reality, blockchain technology, and demand for immersive digital experiences.

User Base

According to the latest data, Metaverse has over 1 billion active users and this number is expected to grow significantly in the coming years. The appeal of virtual environments, social interactions and ownership of virtual assets attracts users from different demographics including gamers, content creators and business people.

Virtual Asset Economy

The virtual asset economy is booming in the Meta Universe. According to, virtual assets are expected to be traded in excess of $150 billion dollars in 2022. From virtual real estate and artwork to virtual fashion and collectibles, users are actively buying, selling and trading digital assets, driving significant economic activity.

Demand for NFT

In 2021 alone, the NFT marketplace has a trading volume of nearly $10 billion, demonstrating the growing value of unique digital assets. From virtual land parcels selling for millions to digital works of art fetching record prices, NFTs are turning the perception of ownership upside down and proving the market's appetite for scarce and provably authentic virtual items.

Corporate Investment

Major corporations and tech giants recognize the potential of the Meta Universe and are investing heavily in its development. Companies such as Facebook (now Meta), Epic Games, and Microsoft have committed billions of dollars to creating immersive virtual experiences and platforms, cementing the Metaverse as a cornerstone of the future digital landscape.

Job Creation

The Metaverse market is a significant source of job creation and economic opportunity. By 2025, it is estimated that the Metaverse ecosystem will support more than 5 million jobs worldwide, according to a report by The Boston Consulting Group. These jobs span a variety of industries, including virtual world creation, virtual asset design, blockchain development, virtual event management, and more.
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Particular advantages of developing Metaverse now


The blockchain-based Metaverse operates in a decentralized network, ensuring that no single entity has control over the entire system. This decentralized nature increases transparency, security, and resistance to censorship, as Metaverse does not depend on a centralized authority.

Digital Property and NFT

NFTs allow users to prove ownership of unique virtual assets such as virtual real estate, artwork, and avatars. These tokens are stored on the blockchain, providing authenticity and transferability of digital assets.


A blockchain-based meta-universe emphasizes interoperability, allowing users and assets to move seamlessly between different virtual worlds and platforms. Interoperability protocols and standards enable cross-platform integration, ensuring that virtual assets and experiences can be accessed and utilized across different Metaverse environments.

Transparent Transactions

Utilizing smart contracts on the blockchain, Metaverse enables transparent and untrusted transactions. Smart contracts are automatically executed when specified conditions are met, eliminating the need for intermediaries. This transparency and impartiality increases security, reduces transaction costs, and eliminates the risk of fraud in Metaverse.

Community Governance and Engagement

Blockchain-based Metaverse incorporates decentralized governance models, empowering users to participate in decision-making processes. Through voting mechanisms and community governance protocols, users can collectively shape the rules and regulations governing Metaverse, ensuring inclusivity and democratic control.

Secure Digital Identity

Decentralized identity systems allow users to control their personal data and maintain privacy in a virtual environment. These systems provide secure authentication, ensuring that users can interact with Metaverse while maintaining their digital identity.

Scalability and performance

Scalable solutions, such as Layer 2 scaling and sharding techniques, address the challenge of handling large numbers of transactions and interactions in Metaverse. These solutions improve the scalability and performance of the blockchain infrastructure, ensuring smooth and efficient operation even with a growing user base.
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How we are developing a metaverse on the blockchain

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Full support of your business

Crypto business mistakes are too painful to be make

Support and improvements

  • Improvement of the required functionality, UX / UI development
  • Support 24/7, according to SLA
  • Maintenance of servers and equipment
  • Information security assurance
  • Cold storage of tokens and cryptocurrencies

Legal assistance

  • Assistance in obtaining licenses
  • Assistance in opening accounts
  • Setting up bank cards and payment systems
  • Assistance in choosing a jurisdiction for the business
  • Organizing customer support service

Marketing and liquidity

  • Providing liquidity from top exchanges
  • Development and implementation of a user acquisition strategy
  • Drawing up a business plan to attract investment
  • Crypto business consulting
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