Turnkey DeFi development from scratch

Quick start. individual functionality. Full support

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We develop all types of Defi platforms to the customer in a quick time frame

DeFi platforms use blockchain technology and smart contracts to provide decentralised alternatives to traditional finance. Decentralised exchanges (DEX) enable direct peer-to-peer cryptocurrency trading without intermediaries, providing transparency and user control.

DeFi lending platforms connect borrowers and lenders directly, eliminating traditional intermediaries. Users can earn interest by lending assets or borrow by providing collateral, accessing capital and generating passive income.

DeFi's stable coin platforms offer secure digital currencies tied to assets similar to fiat currencies. Stable coins facilitate seamless transactions in the DeFi ecosystem, reducing price volatility and facilitating the acceptance of digital assets.

We specialise in developing a wide range of DeFi platforms and have extensive experience in blockchain technology. Our team is skilled in creating different types of decentralised financial solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients. With years of experience in the field, we have a deep understanding of blockchain protocols, smart contract development and the intricacies of the DeFi ecosystem.

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Technical modules of the DeFi platform

Smart contracts

These are self-executing contracts whose terms are written directly into the code. They automate transactions and enforce rules within the DeFi platform, ensuring secure and transparent financial transactions.

Decentralised Oracles

Oracles provide smart contracts with external data, allowing DeFi platforms to interact with real information, such as market prices, without relying on centralised sources. Decentralised oracles ensure that external data is valid and reliable.

Wallet integration

Wallets are essential for users to securely store and manage their digital assets. Integrating wallet features into the DeFi platform allows users to interact with the platform and sign transactions securely.

Automated Market Makers (AMMs)

AMMs are algorithms used on decentralised exchanges to price tokens based on the available liquidity in the platform pools. Popular AMM protocols include Uniswap and SushiSwap.

Governance mechanisms

DeFi platforms often include governance mechanisms that allow token holders to participate in decision-making processes. These mechanisms can include voting systems, staking and delegation of voting rights.

Decentralised Identification (DID)

DID solutions provide secure and decentralised identity verification for users on DeFi platforms. They enable users to retain control over their personal data while ensuring compliance and security.

Audit and security modules

Various audit and security tools are used to verify and assess the reliability of DeFi platforms. Examples include automated security scanners, code analysers and penetration testing systems.

Cross-chain interoperability modules

Some DeFi platforms aim to provide interoperability between different blockchain networks. This involves integrating cross-chain protocols and standards, such as Polkadot or Cosmos, to facilitate asset transfers and interoperability between multiple chains.

Analytics and monitoring tools

DeFi platforms often use analytics and monitoring tools to track and analyse platform performance, user activity, liquidity pools and transaction volumes. These tools provide valuable insights for optimisation and decision-making.

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The main benefits of DeFi


DeFi platforms run on blockchain networks, which are decentralised and distributed across a network of computers. This eliminates the need for intermediaries such as banks, allowing direct peer-to-peer transactions and reducing dependence on centralised authorities


DeFi platforms are open to anyone with an internet connection, allowing financial services to be made available to individuals around the world, including those without bank accounts and unbanked. Users can access and interact with DeFi platforms without the need for traditional banking infrastructure or documentation.


DeFi platforms leverage the transparency of blockchain technology. Transactions and smart contracts are recorded in a public ledger, allowing users to view and verify all transactions. This transparency builds trust and eliminates the need to rely solely on intermediaries.

Financial inclusion

DeFi platforms can promote financial inclusion by providing services such as lending, borrowing and trading to people who do not have access to traditional financial institutions. DeFi platforms enable people to participate in the global financial ecosystem and access financial opportunities.


Many DeFi platforms are built on common blockchain standards, ensuring interoperability and seamless integration with other decentralised applications (dApps). This ensures interoperability where different DeFi protocols can be combined to create innovative and customised financial solutions.

Programmability and automation

DeFi platforms use smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements with predefined conditions. Smart contracts automate financial processes, reducing the need for manual intervention and ensuring efficient, secure and error-free transactions.

Open innovation

DeFi platforms foster a culture of open innovation. Developers can build and deploy their own financial applications based on existing DeFi protocols, leveraging existing infrastructure and empowering the ecosystem. This encourages collaboration and fosters rapid innovation in the field.

Security and resilience

DeFi platforms incorporate robust security measures, such as cryptography and consensus mechanisms, to protect user funds and transactions. In addition, the decentralised nature of DeFi platforms reduces vulnerability to single points of failure and makes them more resilient to hacks or system failures.
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Technical features in the development of Defi platforms

Smart contract development

Smart contracts are the building blocks of DeFi platforms. They are programmable, self-executing contracts that automate transactions and enforce rules. Solidity or other compatible programming languages are used to write the smart contracts that define the logic and behaviour of the platform's financial transactions.

Integration with blockchain

DeFi platforms are built on blockchain networks such as Ethereum. Blockchain integration involves interacting with the network's APIs and protocols to access account balances, execute transactions and retrieve data from smart contracts.

Wallet integration

Wallet integration enables users to securely manage their digital assets within the DeFi platform. Integration with popular wallets, such as MetaMask, allows users to connect their wallets, sign transactions and interact with the platform seamlessly.

Decentralised Exchanges (DEX)

DEX development includes the implementation of order matching algorithms, liquidity pool management and trading interfaces. Automated Market Makers (AMMs), such as Uniswap or Balancer, are typically used to provide liquidity and facilitate token exchange.

Lending and borrowing functionality

The creation of lending and borrowing functions requires the implementation of interest rate calculations, collateral management, loan origination and repayment mechanisms. Smart contracts are used to automate the lending and borrowing processes.

Oracle integration

Oracle provides smart contracts with external data, allowing DeFi platforms to access real information such as market prices, weather data or API feeds. Secure and reliable integration with oracle provides accurate and up-to-date data for DeFi applications.

Security audits

Conducting thorough security audits is essential to identify and remediate potential vulnerabilities in smart contracts and platform infrastructure. Audits help ensure the reliability of the platform and protect user assets from potential exploits or attacks.

User interface (UI) and user experience (UX)

A well-designed and intuitive UI/UX is crucial for user adoption and engagement. User-friendly interfaces make it easier for users to navigate the platform, interact with various functions and monitor their assets and transactions.

Compliance with regulatory requirements

DeFi platforms must meet compliance requirements, especially in jurisdictions with financial regulations. This includes implementing the necessary customer reporting (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) measures while ensuring data privacy and security.

Scalability and performance optimisation

As DeFi platforms grow in popularity, handling increasing transaction volumes becomes crucial. Implementing scalability solutions, such as Layer 2 protocols or sidechain, can improve platform performance and user experience.
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What types of Defi platforms are available


Decentralised Exchanges (DEX)

DEXs allow users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with each other without intermediaries. They provide liquidity pools where users can exchange tokens, provide liquidity for trading pairs and participate in yield farming. Examples include Uniswap, SushiSwap and PancakeSwap.

Lending and borrowing platforms

These platforms link lenders and borrowers directly, allowing users to earn interest on their crypto-assets by lending them, or borrow assets by providing collateral. Users can access capital or generate passive income. Examples include Aave, Compound and MakerDAO.

Stablecoin platforms

Stablecoin platforms facilitate the creation and management of stable coins, which are cryptocurrencies tied to a stable asset, like fiat currency. They provide stability and serve as a reliable medium of exchange in the DeFi ecosystem. Examples include MakerDAO (Dai), Terra (UST) and USD Coin (USDC).

Yield Farming platforms

Yield Farming platforms allow users to earn rewards by betting or providing liquidity to DeFi protocols. Users can lock their tokens into smart contracts and receive additional tokens as rewards. Examples include Yearn Finance, Curve Finance and Harvest Finance.

Decentralised insurance platforms

These platforms offer decentralised insurance solutions for DeFi protocols and users. They provide insurance against smart contract vulnerabilities, hacks and other risks, allowing users to protect their assets. Examples include Nexus Mutual, Cover Protocol and Opyn.

Prediction markets

Prediction marketplaces allow users to bet on the outcome of real events, such as election results or sports results. These markets combine information and predictions to provide insight into the likelihood that certain events will occur. Examples include Augur, Gnosis and Polymarket.

Asset management platforms

These platforms allow users to effectively manage their crypto-assets and portfolios. They provide tools for portfolio tracking, asset allocation and automated trading strategies. Examples include Balancer, Set Protocol and Enzyme Finance.

Decentralised identity platforms

Decentralised identity platforms aim to provide secure and sovereign identity solutions using blockchain technology. They offer users control over their personal data and allow identity verification for DeFi applications. Examples include Sovryn, uPort and Civic.

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How we develop Defi platforms

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Why Choose Us?

Deployment of a complete infrastructure for a project
Ability to test the product before purchase
Minimal implementation time with the proper level of quality
Guarantees that the product will meet the expectations of organization members
Easy and convenient scalability of the project in the future
Guarantees of transaction security and follow-up support
Free consultation
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