Banking as a service (BaaS) turnkey

Ready-made solutions. Fast launch. Customised functionality. Customization. Full support and consulting.

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What is Banking as a Service (BaaS)

Banking as a Service (BaaS) is a business model in which third-party companies, typically fintech start-ups, offer banking services to their customers using the infrastructure and technology of existing banks. Essentially, it allows companies to integrate banking services into their own products and services without having to go through the complex and costly process of obtaining a bank license.

BaaS providers typically offer services such as account opening, payment processing, lending and card issuance, which can be integrated into other applications and services such as mobile banking applications, e-commerce platforms and financial management tools. A traditional bank provides compliance, risk management and payment infrastructure, while a BaaS provider offers a user-friendly interface and a streamlined customer experience.

BaaS has the potential to increase competition in the banking industry by allowing fintech start-ups and other non-banking companies to enter the market and offer innovative and convenient financial services. It also benefits traditional banks as they can leverage existing infrastructure and technology to generate new revenue and expand their customer base.

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BaaS market analysis

The banking-as-a-service (BaaS) market has been growing rapidly in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for digital financial services and the rise of fintech start-ups. While the exact size of the BaaS market is difficult to estimate, several reports and studies give some indication of its growth and potential.

According to a report by ResearchAndMarkets, the global BaaS market was valued at $3.3bn in 2020 and is expected to reach $24.3bn by 2027, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31.4% from 2021 to 2027. This growth is driven by factors such as the increasing adoption of cloud computing, the growth of digital banking and the growing demand for cost-effective and scalable financial solutions.

Another MarketsandMarkets report estimates that the global BaaS market will grow from $2.4 billion in 2020 to $7.7 billion by 2025 at a CAGR of 26.4% during the forecast period. This growth is driven by factors such as the growing demand for API-based banking services, the growth of open banking and the need for fast and secure digital payment solutions.

These reports indicate that the BaaS market is growing rapidly and is expected to continue growing in the coming years. This represents a significant opportunity for companies and developers who are interested in developing BaaS solutions or offering BaaS services to customers.

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Technical aspects and modules included in BaaS

Payment processing

BaaS providers may offer payment processing services that allow third-party companies to process payments for their customers. This may include support for various payment methods such as credit and debit cards, e-wallets and bank transfers.

Account management

BaaS providers can offer account management tools that allow third-party companies to manage customer accounts, including opening and closing accounts, balance enquiries and transaction history.

Lending and borrowing services

BaaS providers can offer lending and borrowing services that allow third parties to offer loans, lines of credit and other financing options to their customers.

Card issuance

BaaS providers can offer card issuance services that allow third-party companies to issue branded credit and debit cards to their customers.

Compliance and risk management

BaaS providers typically have established compliance and risk management systems that help ensure that third-party companies comply with relevant laws and regulations. This can include anti-money laundering (AML) and knowledge of their customers (KYC) requirements, as well as fraud prevention and detection tools.

Analytics and reporting

BaaS providers can offer analytics and reporting tools that allow third-party companies to gain insight into the behaviour and preferences of their customers. This can help companies make data-driven decisions and improve their services over time.

Customer service and support

BaaS providers can offer customer service and support tools that enable third-party companies to provide timely and effective support to their customers. This can include support via phone, email, chat and other channels.

Mobile and web applications

BaaS providers can offer mobile and web applications that allow third parties to offer banking services to their customers through mobile devices and web browsers. These applications can include user-friendly interfaces as well as tools for account management, payments and other financial transactions.

Integration with third-party services

BaaS providers can offer integration tools that allow third-party companies to integrate their banking services with third-party services, such as accounting software, payment gateways and marketing automation tools.

Multicurrency support

BaaS providers can offer support for multiple currencies, allowing third parties to offer financial services to customers in different countries and regions.

Personalization and branding

BaaS providers can offer customization and branding tools that allow third parties to customize the look and feel of banking services and brand those services with their own logos and other visual elements.

Commissioning and compliance

BaaS providers can offer tools and services to help third-party companies attract new customers, as well as ensure that these customers comply with relevant laws and regulations. This can include identity verification, background checks and other compliance processes.

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What types of BaaS are available

There are several types of banking-as-a-service (BaaS) models. These include:

White-label BaaS

In the white-label BaaS model, a bank provides the underlying banking infrastructure and technology, which is then rebranded and customised by a third-party company for its customers. This allows the third-party company to offer banking services under its own brand without having to build and maintain its own banking infrastructure.


In the BaaS API model, the bank provides access to its banking infrastructure and technology through APIs (application programming interfaces). This allows third parties to build their own banking solutions and integrate them into their products and services.

Embedded finance

In the embedded finance model, a bank provides its banking infrastructure and technology to third-party companies, which then embed financial services directly into their own products and services. For example, a retailer can offer its customers financing options at the point of sale, without having to go through a separate application process.

Bank as a platform (BaaP)

In the BaaP model, a bank provides a platform that allows third-party companies to build their own banking solutions based on the bank's existing infrastructure and technology. This can provide greater flexibility and customisation options than other BaaS models.


A neobank is a purely digital bank that provides banking services to customers through a mobile app or website, without any physical branches. Not strictly a BaaS model, neobanks often use BaaS providers to access banking infrastructure and technology, and may also offer their own BaaS solutions to third parties.
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The main advantages and disadvantages of BaaS

The main advantages of BaaS

  • Accelerated market penetration

    BaaS providers typically offer ready-to-use banking infrastructure and technology, which can significantly reduce the time and resources required to launch a new financial service or product. This can give companies a competitive advantage by allowing them to bring their products and services to market faster.

  • Cost reduction

    By partnering with a BaaS provider, companies can avoid the costs associated with building and maintaining their own banking infrastructure, which can be prohibitively expensive. This can help lower entry barriers for start-ups and other companies looking to enter the financial services market.

  • Improved customer experience

    BaaS providers typically offer modern, user-friendly interfaces that can enhance the customer experience. This can help to attract and retain customers and increase customer loyalty.

  • Access to a wider range of services

    By partnering with a BaaS provider, companies can access a wider range of banking services, such as payment processing, lending and card issuance, without having to build these capabilities themselves.

  • Compliance and risk management

    BaaS providers typically have established compliance and risk management systems that can help ensure companies comply with relevant laws and regulations. This can help reduce the risk of legal or regulatory sanctions, as well as increase customer confidence.

  • Flexibility and scalability

    BaaS providers typically offer flexible and scalable solutions that can be adapted to the needs of individual companies. This can help companies adapt to changing market conditions as well as scale as their business grows.

The main disadvantages of BaaS

  • Dependence on third-party providers

    When companies use BaaS providers to provide financial services, they become dependent on these providers for underlying banking infrastructure and technology. If a BaaS provider experiences technical problems, failures or other issues, this can affect the service the company offers to its customers.

  • Security and privacy concerns

    When companies use BaaS providers, they may share sensitive customer data and financial information with a third party. This can create potential security and privacy risks if the BaaS provider's systems or processes are not properly secured or if data leakage occurs.

  • Compliance issues

    While BaaS vendors typically provide a regulatory compliance and risk management framework, companies using BaaS solutions still need to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. This can create additional compliance challenges, especially if the company operates in multiple jurisdictions.

  • Lack of control over customer experience

    While BaaS vendors offer user-friendly interfaces and streamlined processes, companies using BaaS solutions may have limited control over customer experience. This can make it difficult to differentiate their services from those of competitors, and limit their ability to offer unique value propositions to customers.

  • Potential costs

    While BaaS solutions may be more cost-effective than building and maintaining banking infrastructure in-house, there may be costs associated with using BaaS providers. These costs may include fees for access to the provider's infrastructure and technology, as well as costs associated with integrating BaaS solutions into a company's existing systems.

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Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) functionality

Account creation and management

BaaS solutions typically offer APIs and software that allow companies to create and manage accounts for their customers, including checking accounts, savings accounts and other types of accounts.

Payment processing

BaaS solutions can provide APIs and software that allow companies to process payments, including credit card transactions, online payments and other types of transactions.

Compliance and risk management

BaaS solutions can provide tools and software that enable companies to comply with regulatory requirements and manage risk, including anti-money laundering (AML) and knowing your customers (KYC) requirements.

Financial reporting and analytics

BaaS solutions can provide reporting and analytics tools that enable companies to track financial performance, analyse customer behaviour and make data-driven decisions.

Integration with third-party services

BaaS solutions can provide APIs and software that enable companies to integrate with third-party services such as accounting software, billing software or other financial services.

Personalization and branding

BaaS solutions can often be customized to meet specific company or brand needs, including the ability to add logos, colours and other branding elements.
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Technical features in development are included in BaaS


Blockchain integration

BaaS providers are exploring ways to integrate blockchain technology into their offerings to improve transaction security, transparency and speed. This could allow third-party companies to offer their customers more innovative and secure financial services.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

BaaS providers are increasingly incorporating artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities into their offerings to improve fraud detection and prevention, risk management and customer experience. This can enable third-party companies to offer more personalised and responsive banking services to their customers.

Open APIs and developer tools

BaaS providers are improving their APIs and developer tools to enable third-party developers to create and customise banking services more easily and quickly. This can enable third-party companies to offer their customers more tailored and innovative financial services.

Cloud infrastructure

BaaS providers are increasingly moving their infrastructure to the cloud to improve scalability, flexibility and cost efficiency. This can enable third-party companies to offer more reliable, secure and affordable banking services.

Analytics and data insights

BaaS providers are improving their ability to analyse and make sense of data in order to provide third-party companies with more detailed and actionable information about customer behaviour and preferences. This will enable third-party companies to make data-driven decisions and improve their services over time.

Two-factor authentication

BaaS providers can offer two-factor authentication (2FA) as a security feature to protect customer accounts from unauthorised access. This can include the use of biometric data such as fingerprints or facial recognition, in addition to a password or PIN.

Real-time payments

BaaS providers are exploring ways to provide real-time payments that can improve the speed and efficiency of transactions for third-party companies and their customers. This could include the use of instant payment networks such as SWIFT gpi or Ripple, or other emerging technologies.

Compliance automation

BaaS providers are developing tools and services to automate compliance-related processes, such as AML and KYC checks. This can help third-party companies reduce compliance costs and improve the speed and accuracy of inspections.

Digital identity solutions

BaaS providers can offer digital identity solutions, such as digital wallets or digital identity verification tools, which allow third-party companies to verify the identity of their customers faster and more securely. This can help reduce the risk of fraud and improve the overall customer experience.

Machine-readable data formats

BaaS providers can offer machine-readable data formats, such as APIs that use JSON or XML formats, which allow third-party developers to more easily integrate banking services into their applications. This can enable third-party companies to create more innovative and specialised financial services for their customers.

Decentralised Finance Integration (DeFi)

BaaS providers are exploring ways to integrate decentralised finance (DeFi) protocols and applications into their offerings to enable third-party companies to offer more innovative and decentralised financial services to their customers. This could include the use of blockchain-based lending, trading or asset management platforms.

Open banking APIs

BaaS providers can offer open banking APIs that allow third-party developers to create new applications and services that use financial data and services from different banks. This can promote competition, innovation and consumer choice in financial services.

Modular architecture

BaaS providers can use a modular architecture to build their solutions, allowing third-party companies to choose only the features and services they need and not pay for features they do not need. This can help reduce costs and increase flexibility for third parties.

Data encryption and security

BaaS providers use advanced data encryption and security measures to protect sensitive financial data, such as account and transaction information, from unauthorised access or leakage. This can help ensure that customer data is kept safe and secure.

Microservices architecture

BaaS providers can use microservices architecture to build their solutions, which break down complex applications into smaller, independent services that can be deployed and upgraded more quickly and easily. This can help improve the scalability, reliability and speed of BaaS solutions.

Big data analytics

BaaS providers can use big data analytics to analyse big data from various sources, such as social media, customer transaction data and market data, to gain insights into customer behaviour, trends and preferences. This can enable third-party companies to make more informed decisions about their products and services.

Payment gateway integration

BaaS providers can offer payment gateway integration, which allows third-party companies to accept different payment methods, such as credit cards, debit cards and e-wallets, through a single interface. This can improve the user experience and make it easier for customers to make payments.

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Why Choose Us?

Deployment of a complete infrastructure for a project
Possibility to test the product before purchase
Minimal implementation time with the high level of quality
Guarantees that your product will meet the expectations of your organization's members
Easy and convenient scalability of the project in the future
Guarantees of a secure transaction and follow-up support
Free consultation
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